Our Mission

We believe that most people either don’t know what is happening or don’t understand what is happening. That is understandable, given the complexity of the issue.

The Figure Out Fire crew’s mission is to provide a one-stop-shop for citizens of all four cities in the Long Lake Fire Department call area to educate themselves on the issues and take action to support the existing Firefighters.

Informational Resource

To serve as an informational resource for all things related to the contract negotiations and future fire options being presented to the community.

Voice for Heroes

To provide a place where firefighters can openly express their thoughts and opinions as citizens.

Show Support

Provide citizens with various ways to show their support for the Long Lake firefighters.

About Us

Behind the FOF crew is a group of well-informed fire personal, city officials and super citizens making sure we have that latest information posted on the fire situation.

If you have additional content for our consideration please fill out the contact form and we would be happy to take a look.

  • Krista Berbig

    Fire wife, Long Lake resident and concerned citizen

  • Kelly Grady

    Fire wife, Long Lake resident and concerned citizen

  • Kim Carswell

    Orono resident and concerned citizen

Some of the information in their bios is personal opinion and does not necessarily represent the entire group.